p0ntus mail.

simple, mindful, secure email.

Using the Webmail

Signing in

Webmail Login

If you just signed up, use the default password with your requested email, and input that into mail.p0ntus.com. Change your password in the interface, and follow the next steps using your email and password.

To sign in, use user.p0ntus.com either on the login page with the "Webmail" button, or in the signed-in interface, with the "Sign in to webmail" button.

You also may have to enter your 2FA code:

Webmail 2FA Screen

Using the Webmail

Webmail Home Page

Once you are signed in, you can use the webmail to send and receive emails. You can also use the calendar and contacts features.

Logging out

When you are done, click the "Exit" icon in the top right corner of the UI.

See also

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